Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Be Your #1...

I'm on a mission. A mission to be better than I was today, tomorrow. I know, I sound like a damn infomercial. But it's true. I tend to dwell. I'm a dweller in the land of negativity. I always remember, with such vividness, the shit that went wrong. But the good things? Well, they remain clouded by the bullshit. Its time to do something different. To make a conscious decision to be better. To take care of oneself the way we do others. And I no longer feel that's selfish. I use to believe that putting my needs above those I love is the most selfish thing I could do. But now that I reflect, not putting my needs in the forefront has left me picking dust off my face. Because while I'm worrying about everything and everybody else, my needs are leaving me on the side of the highway. And who's come to save me? Anybody? Nope still here. 

So it's taken my entire life, all 27 years of it, to realize that I must be tended to. Because if I don't, no one will. 

So here's my mission (join me if you are moved to). To stop being a people pleaser and conclusion jumper. To make my needs among the most important, and to take damn good care of me. That isn't impossible, its vital to our personal happiness. And don't we all deserve a lil slice of that?... 

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